Selasa, 17 November 2015


Nama : Rahmiyatun Mutmainnah
Kelas : IX-K
Sekolah : SMPN 38 Bandung

Selasa, 10 November 2015

Slang Word

 Slang Word adalah kata-kata yang populer diucapkan dalam bahasa inggris. Dan inilah contoh Slang Word yang berupa singkatan:
AFAIR As Far As I Remember
AFK Away From Keyboard
AKA Also Known As
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ATEOTD At The End Of The Day
ATM At The Moment
ASL atau A/S/L Age Sex Location
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Customer
B4 Before
BBL / BBS Be Back Later / Be Back Soon
BFF Best Friend Forever
BRB Be Right Back
BSOD Blue Screen Of Death
CU See You
CMIIW Correct Me If I’m Wrong
DWYOR Do With Your Own Risk
EOF End Of File
EOM End Of Messages
EOL End Of Line / Life
ETA Estimate Time Of Arival
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FOAF Friend Of A Friend
FTFY Fix That For You
FTW For The Win / F**k That What (kebalikan WTF)
FYI For Your Information
GBTW Get Back To Work
GBU God Bless You
LOL Laughing Out Loud
OAO, O&O Over And Out
OMG Oh My God , Oh My Goddes
OMGBBQ Oh My God BarBeQue
OMGFG Oh My F**king God
OML Oh My Lord
ORLY Oh Really?
PM Private/Personal Message
RFC Request For Comment
RTM Read The Manual
RU Are You?
TBH To Be Honest
TC Take Care
TTG Time To Go
TTLY Totally
U2U Up To You
UGC User Generated Content
WML Wish Me Luck
WTF What The F**k?
YALL You All
YOLO You Only Live Once
YOYO You’re On Your Own
YTB You’re The Best