Selasa, 01 Desember 2015



1.____________ and so auxiliary verb + subject
2. ____________ and subject + auxiliary verb  too

example :
- You like dangdut music.
- Lutfi likes dangdut music.
1. You like dangdut music and so does he.
2. You like dangdut music and Lutfi does too.


1.__________ and neither auxiliary verb + subject
2. __________ and subject + auxiliary verb + not + either

- Rahmi doesn't go to school.
- Salsa doesn't go to school.

1. Rahmi doesn't go to school and neither does Salsa .
2. Rahmi doesn't go to school and Salsa does not either

Kinds Of Text

1. Descriptive Text
a. Descriptive Text is a text to describe the features of something, someone, or certain place
b. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe the features of something, someone, or certain place
c. generic structure
- identification/introduction
- description
d. tense : simple present tense (verb 1)

2. narrative text
a. narrative text is a text to entertain or to amuse people
b. the purpose of narrative text is to entertain or to amuse people
c. the generic structure
- orientation
- complication
- resoution
d. tense : simple past tense (verb 2)

3. recount text
a. recount text  is a text to tell the past event in order to inform or to entertain the reader or listener
b. the purpose of recount text is to tell the past event in order to inform or to entertain the reader or listener
c. the generic structure
- orientation
- event
- reorientation
d. tense : simple past tense (verb 2)

4. report text
a. report text is a text to report something
b. the purpose of report text is to report something
c. the generic structure
- general classification
- description
d. tense : simple present tense (verb 1)

5. procedure text
a. proceddure text is a text to tell the reader or listener how to make something or how to operate something
b. the purpose of procedure text is to tell how to make someting or how to operate something
c. the generic structure
- goal/aim
- materials/ingredients
- steps
d. tense : simple present tense (verb 1)